I'm starting a new job on August 15th, and my goal is to finally move my weight from 172 to 149. Right now my measurements are 39/32/43, but I hope to get my waist to 29 inches by the end of summer!
I have obesity and diabetes in my family, and I once weighed 205 pounds. I managed to lose a great deal weight through exercise and calorie counting, but no matter how many diets I've tried, including the Atkins diet, I've never been successful at getting below 160 or to a "healthy" BMI. I'm determined that I will overcome this and be in top shape by the end of summer.
I love to exercise, and I also love to eat good food. The Dukan Diet, with its limits on fats and carbs, makes sense to me, and I'm ready to dedicate myself to this way of eating. For my overall health, I am making a few modifications to the diet. These include adding some healthy fats in the way of olive oil, flax seed (rather than, or mixed with, the oat bran). omega 3 eggs with the yolks, and moderate amounts of nuts or nut butters (10 a day or one tablespoon). I'm also keeping track of calories and macronutrient ratios for my own purposes: around 1500 a day, with no more than 40 grams of carbs on PV days, around 20 on PP days.
As far as exercise, I am going to start an at home kettlebell/ body weight training program to go along with the diet as well as stay active walking, dancing, and gardening.
I will blog daily with recipes, advice, menus, and candid reports on the progress of the diet. Welcome!